My Fusion journey began at the end of December 2012. After a car accident two days before Thanksgiving 2011, I had a torn internal carotid artery and completely separated right shoulder. I had gained some weight and was looking to get back in shape. I grew up dancing and it was the one thing I loved the most. I had heard people talk about this hip hop dance workout class called Fusion. I decided to Google it. I showed up for my first class was on a Saturday, and that is when I met the feisty and passionate Erica Hill. I was completely hooked after that first class! It was right up my alley and I loved it. That is how working out should be! I saw changes in my body immediately and my energy level skyrocketed. I could run and play with my little boy without feeling weighed down.
I was completely hooked after that first Fusion class! It was right up my alley and I loved it. That is how working out should be! I saw changes in my body immediately and my energy level skyrocketed.

It took me a while to jump on the Boot Camp train. I was apprehensive. Finally in September 2013, I started Women’s Boot Camp. It was out of my comfort zone and a challenge. Just what I needed! Three months into Boot Camp, I found out Justin and I were expecting our 2nd baby. In January I switched to Fusion’s Prenatal Fitness class. MY strong continued to emerge during pregnancy and after.

Three months into Boot Camp, I found out Justin and I were expecting our 2nd baby. In January I switched to Fusion’s Prenatal Fitness class. MY strong continued to emerge during pregnancy and after.
Over the next few years, I participated in Post Natal Fitness, Personal Training, Fusion, My Healthy Goals, H.I.I.T. Kick, Barre, and Core Strength with Erica, Mike, and the Fusion team. One of the quotes that Fusion stands behind is, “If it doesn’t challenge you, It doesn’t change you.” I made a personal agreement to try something new once a year, out of my comfort zone. I ran my first 5k in May 2015, and in April 2016 I did my first Obstacle Course Race. I could not have done this without the help of the staff at Fusion and the people I have met along the way encouraging and pushing me.

I ran my first 5k in May 2015 and in April 2016 I did my first Obstacle Course Race. I could not have done this without the help of the staff at Fusion and the people I have met along the way encouraging and pushing me.
One of the best things about Fusion is the people. I have made some of the best friends thanks to Fusion. These men and women empower each other and push you to be your best. As my journey continues with Fusion, I have taken on a new obstacle, going back to school to finally get my nursing degree (my Village and God willing). Fusion has been my outlet physically, mentally, and emotionally. Fusion has given me scheduled “ME TIME” so I can give my family, friends, and school the best of me. Thank you, Fusion, for helping me find MY strong and realizing I have more in me, even when I can’t see it.
One of the best things about Fusion is the people. I have made some of the best friends thanks to Fusion. These men and women empower each other and push you to be your best.

No matter where you are in your journey in life, Fusion fits! In shape, out of shape, or just needing a change, Fusion offers so many great classes at different times that can work with anyone’s schedule. Even if you are apprehensive, the encouragement and friends you will make instantly makes it worth giving Fusion a try.