After gaining the “newlywed 20” four years ago, I decided it was time to lose the weight. I joined the gym but felt like a lost puppy because I had no idea how to use any of the equipment. My “go to” was the treadmill so I started running. Running became my passion and my husband and I started entering races. The weight began to come off but I wanted to do more than just run. I was researching work-outs in my area and found Fusion Fitness. My sister in law and I started going to boot camp and then went to the Fusion Dance class. I loved the classes but it became more than a place to exercise, Fusion became like family. When you walk in the door, they know your name, ask how you are doing and even check on you when you’re sick. I began to look forward to going to Fusion because it wasn’t a work-out, it was hanging out with friends. They never make you feel self-conscious if you don’t know how to do something. They correct you without embarrassing you because they truly want you to succeed. All of the instructors work-out right along with the class.
I loved the classes and it became more than a place to exercise, Fusion became like a Family.

When I found out I was pregnant, I began the pre-natal classes. These classes kept me fit and tone during my entire pregnancy. I never missed the “runner’s high” because I got the same benefits in my Fusion classes. I met so many friends, new moms and experienced moms, who guided me through my pregnancy. Not only did I stay in shape but, I learned so much about being pregnant and having a baby that I never would have known without my Fusion Fit Moms. The nurses during my delivery even asked me if I worked out because I did so well during labor. I couldn’t wait to get the all clear to start exercising after having my son. I wanted to get back to my Fusion classes but more than that, I missed my Fusion family! Walking back in those doors was like coming home.

Walking back into those doors was like coming home.
My husband started going with me to lose the “dad bod” weight he gained while I was pregnant. He started doing Men’s boot camp and we both saw a change in our weight. It wasn’t until we added “My Healthy Goals” to our daily routine that we really saw a big difference. My Healthy Goals is a meal plan with a grocery list that saves your life! It makes it easy to eat right and you never feel like you are on a diet. We feel better and get more out of our work-outs than we ever did before. The program has given me so much confidence. I actually wear jeans now instead of leggings and dresses to hide my stomach. I receive so many nice compliments on my post baby body. I love hearing I look better than ever. If anyone asks me how I got my figure back so fast, I tell them Fusion Fitness!
We feel better and get more out of our workouts than we ever did before.

I would recommend Fusion to anyone who wants to make a change in their overall health. Fusion is a lifestyle and a place to make lifelong changes and friends. Fusion has made our new family healthy and happy!