As a child, I quickly realized that diets were a huge part of my family’s lifestyle. Most of my beautiful extended family members struggle with their weight and the physical issues that come along with it. Yet, I was always complimented for being “skinny.” When I hit puberty, I shot up in height and of course gained a normal amount of weight as well. The change in the number on the scale struck fear in me. I began limiting my calories as early as 8th grade. I was extremely body conscious, which included over exercising and overall unhealthy habits that sadden me to this day.
Fast forward to 2013. I had just had my THIRD daughter. I had heard wonderful things about Erica’s classes and her Postnatal training. Dancing away the stress of my day and watching my body regain its pre-baby shape was awesome!
When I entered college, I realized that something needed to change. I began to work on my inside and slowly healed, up to a point. I exercised occasionally and tried to eat as healthy as I could.
Fast forward to 2013. I had just had my THIRD daughter. I had heard wonderful things about Erica’s classes and her Postnatal training. I met with her and worked on my abdominal wall which led me to begin Fusion classes. Dancing away the stress of my day and watching mybody regain its pre-baby shape was awesome!Then Erica encouraged me to begin Women’s Boot Camp in order to incorporate weights. I am almost at my 3-year anniversary, and I plan on many more! Boot Camp gives you an environment of incredible women ready to sweat with you and build you up. I could NOT do a single pushup when I began, nor could I hold a plank position for more than 10 seconds. Now, I can do many proper pushups with good form as well as hold a plank for a couple of minutes.
I added My Healthy Goals several months ago. My family adores the recipes created by the Hills. It gives us something different, tasty and full of nutrients to try each week. No more boring ‘turkey burger night’ for us!
Women’s Boot Camp gives you an environment of incredible women ready to sweat with you and build you up. I could NOT do a single pushup when I began, nor could I hold a plank position for more than 10 seconds.
My young daughters occasionally exercise with me at home, and I always tell them the reason we exercise is to be strong and healthy. I compliment their speed, their agility, their work ethic and even their sweet little muscles. I will never compliment their weight or their size. I want my daughters to love themselves and see Momma as strong and healthy! Fusion Fitness helped me become STRONG, not only physically, but mentally.
My young daughters occasionally exercise with me at home–I compliment their speed, their agility, their work ethic and even their sweet little muscles. I will never compliment their weight or their size. I want my daughters to love themselves and see Momma as strong and healthy!
There are so many different facets of Fusion Fitness. They can teach you how to feed yourself and your family tasty and nutritious meals, how to put your abdominals back together after baby, how to dead lift an amazing amount of weight, how to dance to booty music and not care who is watching, how to lift weight correctly, how to move like a ballerina at Barre, how to kick butt in an obstacle race, and most of all, how to LOVE yourself!