In early 2014 I attended my first Fusion dance class with one of my best friends. I was instantly hooked. The atmosphere, the energy, the people… everything was inspiring and fun. Shortly after, in April of 2014, my husband, Ben, and I found out we were expecting our first baby. One of my other best friends had recently told me about how much she loved the Fusion Fitness Prenatal class. At 6 weeks, I signed up to attend Prenatal twice a week and continued through the remainder of my pregnancy. The Prenatal class offered me a way to safely continue exercising, ask lots of new mommy questions, and prepare my body for delivery. Our daughter, Mollie Kate, was born happy and healthy on December 16, 2014. My delivery was basically a dream. Three pushes and my gorgeous 6 lb 10 oz BFF entered this world.
I was instantly hooked. The atmosphere, the energy, the people… everything was inspiring and fun.
After Mollie was born, I attended Post-Natal training with Erica, and she helped guide me back into a work out routine. Soon I decided to give bootcamp a try. My mom and many of my friends had been part of Fusion Bootcamp for years and continued to encourage me to try it out. Before starting, I was terrified, but I quickly learned to love going. Working out with Mike and Erica was a positive and fun way to relieve the daily stresses of being a full-time working, new mama. Even through some shoulder injuries, they worked with me on what I could and could not do and helped me get stronger than I have ever been in a long time.

My mom and many of my friends had been part of Fusion Bootcamp for years and continued to encourage me to try it out.
Last January,, our little family found out we were expecting our 2nd baby. I am happy to say that I started that pregnancy 12 pounds smaller than I started my first. I know that it had much to do with not only attending Women’s Bootcamp regularly, but also attending Erica’s Nutrition Seminar. I am far from a perfect student when it comes to eating clean, but Erica knows what she’s talking about, and can come up with some amazing meals. I basically hated veggies my whole life… now, I crave them. You can find some of her amazing recipes in the Fusion Fitness My Healthy Goals program
On September 12th, our little boy, Baker, made his debut two weeks early. The delivery was once again, a dream. And this time, I only pushed once.

I was so excited to start Prenatal Fitness again. The Prenatal class becomes a little family. It’s been joked about that Prenatal is like a bootcamp for pregnant people, and it kind of is.. but thats what I love about it. Erica knows exactly what we can safely do to continue to improve our bodies, work on our health, and maintain a safe and healthy pregnancy. There’s no questioning yourself during a workout. We worked every muscle group and focus A LOT on our core, which is very important during pregnancy. My husband told me often how amazing it is to him that I can get and stay so fit during a pregnancy. Honestly, it amazes me too. Before I had kids I imagined indulging in all kinds of junk food and gaining a ton of weight. I am so thankful I have a place like Fusion Fitness to tell me that it was okay to crave foods while pregnant, and everything can to be done in moderation. With that mindset and a fabulous workout… I LOVED my pregnant body! On September 12th, our little boy, Baker, made his debut two weeks early. The delivery was once again, a dream. And this time, I only pushed once.
Fusion Fitness has something for everyone. I have added boot camp back into my work outs as well as Fusion Strength. Mike and Erica are not only my trainers, but are invested in me personally. I value their opinion, their professionalism, and their dedication to helping me stay healthy.