Results-driven fitness. You hear this all the time, right? But what exactly does it mean?
It means your efforts have a real purpose. It means your cardio workouts are improving your cardiorespiratory capacity & muscle endurance, burning fat, and improving cardiovascular performance. It means your strength training is shaping and building muscle that will in turn create a speed demon metabolism and shape your body the way you desire. It means your muscular structure becomes your body’s ultimate shaper and protector.
Sweating, feeling fatigued, and even being sore the next day is not a guarantee you will achieve the results you seek. Especially with strength training, exercises must be done in a precise way for the results to happen and to avoid injury. This is where knowledge of and experience with human anatomy come in to play. We have to work from the inside out. My hope for my industry is that the requirements for becoming a personal trainer will be held to a higher standard. Unfortunately, today all it takes is a $40 certification on the web.
I once received a newsletter in my inbox from a highly accredited national council. The topic was about how the industry is moving in the direction of “personalized group training.” It caught my attention and I took the time to sit down and read it right then. After reading it, I realized I can’t buy in to their views. Here’s why…
At Fusion Fitness, we take pride in delivering the highest quality workout programming–not the same old muscle endurance workout class after class, or session after session with one-on-one clients. So this title “Personalized Group Training” sounded up our alley. Surprisingly, the article was encouraging trainers/business owners to focus on friendship-building strategies, rather than RESULTS! Whoa, wait, what? We are a service-based business, but we always practice, live, and train as though we offer products. The “products” we offer are concrete, measurable RESULTS in health and fitness. This article advised business owners and trainers to create a friendship with their clients and focus on friendship-building strategies within the classes to bolster client retention and business growth. Results weren’t at the center of it at all. Well, I am sorry, but when I’m training you, my first priority isn’t being your friend. You trust me to deliver workouts and meal planning that deliver RESULTS–that’s what you’re purchasing from Fusion in the first place! Results are different for all. Maybe it’s convenience, maybe it’s energy, maybe it’s weight loss. You are here for change, and I wholeheartedly hold myself accountable to bring you results. That doesn’t mean we’re not friends but it does mean I’m not worried about if you like me while I’m training you.

These other classes/workouts/trainers who are prioritizing friendships over results (largely due to lack of knowledge and experience) are advertising the wrong product. Social hour does not equal fitness improvement. Being friends with your trainer does not magically make you fit! Mike and I, and everyone at Fusion Fitness stand by our product. We will deliver overall health, fitness, and physique results. Honesty, combined with a kind and talented team, will attract great clients. Bonds are formed because we spend time putting in work – together. So, do not get me wrong–I believe camaraderie is extremely important. But by no means should it be the prime focus of a personal trainer’s business plan.
We want you to reach YOUR GOALS. We will get to know each other very well, and I will help you figure out your goals if you come in not knowing exactly what they are. I will encourage your through ups and downs, but I will never lose sight of your goals and what it takes to help you achieve them.
So what does results-driven fitness mean to me?
I am a Personal Trainer.
I do not take that lightly.
I honor your trust.
I continually learn & experience more so that my efforts & your efforts are not in vain.
Mike and I are continually humbled by the amazing humans that are brought to us through Fusion Fitness. No matter how much we love you, we have to help you find your strong, inside and out–no matter how difficult that journey may be. #LetsGo