Traveling Healthy


Hill family fusion fitness memphisWhile you were enjoying Shelby’s #train4life story on Disney last week, the Hills were at Disney World! We had an an amazing vacation, and I wish I could share all the details, but I will stick to the health and fitness aspects of it. 😉 

image8When health and fitness are truly your lifestyle, you can travel healthy and fit….even to Disney! I often counsel people on how to handle travel, and if you can do a week at Disney well, you can do anything well! 
To start, if we are staying somewhere for more than a couple days, we always find places that have a kitchenette or full kitchen. As you read in my blog on moderation, when you’re off your normal routine due to the Holidays or a vacation, it is EXTREMELY important to get in all the good stuff that your body needs, and not deprive your body of key nutrients just because some meals and treats will be off. So, the first thing we do is go the the grocery store and stock the fridge with water, fruits and veggies, breakfast items to have before heading out for the day, and foods to pack a good lunch to last us until the afternoon and evening meals that we would eat at the parks/restaurants.
image9So, we would eat oatmeal with eggs and fruit or peanut butter on toast with fruit in the mornings, pack all the fruit, veggies, yogurt and nuts for snacks, and small salads and sandwiches for lunch in a cooler bag that fit nicely in the bottom of the stroller (or backpack if you do not have young kids). Then in the afternoon and evening when we ate out, we weren’t famished or dehydrated, just ready to enjoy experiences and interesting foods and a few treats.
img_1832Many people often tell me they do not feel their best when traveling or out of routine. Well, that’s because you’re taking out too many of your healthy habits when you’re out of your routine! Keep as much of the good stuff in as possible. If you work out 5-6 times a week at home, at least get in 2-4 workouts while on a week-long trip. Your body likes exercise and your mood needs it. 🙂
Keeping everyone full of water and nutrients keeps EVERYONE’S mood better too! Trust me. Bringing your own food will keep you on track nutritionally, and it’s great for your wallet too (those Disney meals are insanely overpriced!). Mike and I each took turns working out three times in the mornings during our 5 full days there. No matter where you stay, with or without a gym, you can get in a short sweat session to feel more like yourself!

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