I am coming up on my two year anniversary with Women’s Boot Camp – this is my happy place! I began running the year before and wanted something to help with my physical endurance.
One year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer after I found a lump. I was told it was going to be an extensive treatment. I would undergo chemotherapy, a partial mastectomy and then radiation. The doctors told me that my good health and active lifestyle would make my treatment more effective.
The first Boot Camp after I lost my hair, everyone showed up in pink (even Mike!). They prayed with me and made me feel empowered.

I had my first chemotherapy infusion on March 24, 2016, and with that treatment I did become sick, weaker and had to push myself to go to Boot Camp. Everyone would greet me each Tuesday and Thursday with love and prayers. The first Boot Camp after I lost my hair, everyone showed up in pink (even Mike!). They prayed with me and made me feel empowered. I continued to have my infusions every three weeks through July. In May, I started developing complications–I became weaker with each infusion and developed blood clots. My training was getting slower with each workout.

I finished most of my treatment by the first of November and started back to Boot Camp. It was a slow process, but each week I would just try harder. Everyone was so encouraging and Mike would always alter any of my exercises as not to interfere with my recovery.
I did take some time off in July due to complications and surgery. I had to wait a month before starting radiation, but I continued walking daily to remain active. I finished most of my treatment by the first of November and started back to Boot Camp. It was a slow process, but each week I would just try harder. I began running again and ran the St Jude 10K in December. Everyone was so encouraging and Mike would always alter any of my exercises as not to interfere with my recovery.
I thank God for putting Mike and Erica in my life when He did. Mike, Erica, and everyone at Fusion, including their boys (they would often ask how I was feeling) have played a huge role in my life – they have prayed for me and with me along my journey. They are also so motivating and encouraging to help in achieving my goals.

Mike, Erica, and everyone at Fusion, including their boys (they would often ask how I was feeling) have played a huge role in my life, they have prayed for me and with me along my journey.
I completed my treatment on March 23, 2017 and have gotten better each passing month with my cardio. I added Yoga to help with my overall flexibility and My Healthy Goals to fuel my body for my workouts and running. I have signed up to run the St Jude Half Marathon as a Hero in December.
I just finished the longest year of my life, and with breast cancer behind me I am ready to get my Strong back. I focus on being the best role model I can be for my husband, my kids, my grandchildren, and my family.
I completed my treatment and have gotten better each passing month with my cardio. I added Yoga to help with my overall flexibility and My Healthy Goals to fuel my body for my workouts and running.

It’s back!!! Drop by & dance, sweat, & have fun with us at Club Fusion!