In this time of talking goals and resolutions, I would like to take this week to give you a couple examples of “keeping it simple.”
When you start to feel a little overwhelmed about where to start in your health, nutrition and fitness changes, think smaller!
Last week, we chose one nutrition S.M.A.R.T. goal and this week, I would like to give you a fitness-related S.M.A.R.T. goal.
For many, incorporating cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory exercise into their week is easier to self-motivate and be proactive on than strength training.
So, let’s choose strength training as our goal this week. But first, we must narrow it down. The top priority in strength/muscle function should be your core muscles! This is true for every man, woman, or child and any walk of life.
So, let’s turn “I should really start strength training” into a S.M.A.R.T. goal.
“Starting on January 1st, I will do 30 minutes of core exercises at home or at Core Strength class twice a week every week.”
Why are you choosing this goal? Do you…
want to get in shape?
want to improve your waistline appearance?
want to reduce back pain & prevent injury?
want to be more toned?
want to train for a race or get faster?
want to Power Lift or make strength gains?
want to improve athletisim?
Well, if you answered yes to any of these, you need to start improving your core strength.
Your core is the foundation of your body–it is far more than just your abs! Your core muscles extend 360 degrees around your body and are incorporated in almost every move your body makes. Plus, your core does the oh so important job of protecting your spine!
Strong core = stable. Stable = strength. Core strength and core stability are two different things, however. We need both, which means we need diversity in the ways we work the core.
One of the most effective things you can do to improve your core strength is to have good posture and to be aware of your abdominals throughout the day! In Corset Tightening Exercises the most important note is to always bring abdominals in, never pushing out away from your spine.
Here are just a few exercises to get you started strengthening your core. Remember: form is important. Don’t just survive the exercise, but really perfect it!
Basic High Plank
Start on your hands & knees with your shoulders over wrists and knees under hips. Draw your stomach in. Stretch out one leg then the other, arms slightly bent or straight. Hold 20-60 sec. Do not drop your hips but do not raise your hips up too high either. Keep your body perfectly straight and chest up. Come out of plank same way you went into plank–to the knees first.

Holding this plank easily for 60 seconds with proper form? THEN…
Here is a more challenging way to do this plank. Never move on to an advanced option until you have successfully performed the basic level option.
High Plank on the Stability Ball with Leg Lifts
You MUST apply all of your form keys from the basic plank as you progress to these options.

Basic Low Plank
Start out on your elbows and knees, with your shoulders over wrists & knees under hips. Keep your stomach in. Stretch out one leg then the other. Hold 20-60 sec. Do not drop your hips but do not raise your hips up too high either. Keep your body perfectly straight and chest up. Come out of plank same way you went into plank: to the knees first.

Holding this plank easily for 60 seconds with proper form? THEN…
Here is a more challenging way to do this plank. Never move on to an advanced option until you have successfully performed the basic level option.
Low Plank on the Stability Ball
You MUST apply all of your form keys from the basic plank as you progress to these options.

Seated on your mat, Your knees should be bent in front of you. Hold your arms staright ahead or overhead. Suck in your stomach and hinge your torso backward. DO NOT lose your suck-in! – Hold for 30-60 seconds

Next level option: Slowly alternate lifting one leg and then the other.
Do not lose that drawn in stomach!

Your Corset muscles are the most important muscle group in your body! Keep it strong! By strengthening your abdominals, back, and hip flexors you will improve overall body tone, strength, function, and balance. Remember, proper form on core training will bring the corset muscles tight, but it will take clean eating and a proper exercise regimen to get belly fat off.